Martina is our daughter, she came into our lives after several unsuccessful attempts at assisted fertilization. After eight years of waiting – on December 8, 2016, the day of the Immaculate Conception – she was planted in my womb to give life to our most cherished dream. We are the Martínez Rivas family and, with our brand, we tell a story of struggle, love, discipline and perseverance. We want to show that it is never too late to dream, pursue dreams and overcome challenges.
We have lived in Buenos Aires for more than a year. When we arrived in this city, we realized that beautiful leathers were produced, so we wanted to combine this resource with my passion for handbags. We have artisans 100% committed to making products that are close to perfection and that are unique in their finishes and finishes.
This is how the story of Martina Mari begins, with a dream and a passion that translate into the landing of an idea that comes to transform and become part of a woman's life. Where a Martina Mari piece will tell a bit of the personal story of each woman who wears it.